HMS Pinafore, 2009. Photo courtesy of Ohio Light Opera.
Wooster, OH
Ohio Light Opera
Master Carpenter - 2006
Scene Shop Foreman - 2007
Scene Shop Foreman - 2008
Assistant Technical Director - 2009
Assistant Technical Director - 2010
What makes OLO different than other summer stocks are a few particulars. One of them is that the shows are mostly operettas. The second is that there are at least 7 shows produced in a summer season, and the last and biggest unique characteristic is that they run in a rotating-repertory. This last aspect makes OLO truly special because not only do you have to build and produce 7 full scale operettas/musicals in less than 8 weeks, but then they have to run in varying order, with changeovers happening nearly every day. When all 7 shows are open, they run twice a day for 6 days a week, never the same show back to back. It is intimidating when undertaking this kind of a production schedule, especially coming from the traditional type of summer stock with only one production at a time.
My time at OLO drove home the importance of communication and attention to detail because without those, achieving success in that type of a schedule would have been impossible.
The gallery below features photos from the following productions.
Production and design credits are linked.
2009 Festival Season
During the summer of 2015, I was contracted by the Ohio Light Opera to produce their new aluminum frame portal system. For this build I rented the University of Pittsburgh's scene shop and constructed them according to their drawings before trucking them to Wooster where they would be covered and assembled.
Below are pictures and video from that build.
Portal draftings created by Sam Miller:
Assembly Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3 Drawing 4 Drawing 5 Drawing 6 Drawing 7
Special thanks to Micky Krenek for all his help.